This collection of games was curated by those who have experience in refugee camps. These games may be suitable to play with refugees whom you are serving too.
The games can be played simply as games without the debrief and discovery questions. These have been provided if you want to go deeper and/or include Bible links. It is up to you and your context.
Refugees can be vulnerable and certain game situations will trigger strong reactions. The important thing is to choose games with sensitivity and wisdom. Games that will help them have fun and give them a sense of security. Think about the emotional needs of the children and families.
Refugees may be gathered in places that are not ideally suited to games. So, choose games with these factors in mind:
• Space you have
• The number of people
• The weather
• The time available
• The cultural and religious background of the refugees
Leaders will need to be flexible as you will need to respond to changing situations, so be prepared with more games than you think you will need.